12,000 Men Now Under Canvas in Valcartier

23 Aug 14THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 23 August 1914 – Press reports from Valcartier camp on the night of Sunday, August 23rd night indicated that 1,500 troops had arrived at the camp on Saturday, and a further 3,700 men arrived on Sunday. Although heavy rain fell throughout most of the day, camp work continued without interruption, only church parades were disrupted.  Projections for anticipated arrivals at the camp had by now risen to between 25-30,000 men, and some thought was being given to the formation of a second division.


[1] W. Marchington, “Twelve Thousand Men Under Canvas: Canada’s Fighting Machine Being Assembled,” The Globe (1844-1936), August 24, 1914, page 3.

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