Month / September 2021

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  • RMR Runners Beat Fundraising Goal

    Westmount, Quebec – 30 September 2021: The RMR Foundation sponsored a ‘RMR Fundraising Run’ primarily as a team-building activity and to strengthen the links between The Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR), and its…

  • Polish Army Medal for former RMR NCO

    Westmount, Quebec – 20 September 2021: Sergeant (ret’d) Lech Kwasiborski, SC, CD, was awarded the Polish Army Medal 1999 (Silver) by the Polish Ambassador, Dr. Kurnicki, this summer in a ceremony held…

  • RMR Association donates to new RMR Museum

    Saint-Henri, Quebec – 18 September 2021: At the end of the ‘Smoker’ they hosted as part of the RMR Fundraising Run, the RMR Association made a donation to help fund the renovation…