Westmount Battalion Left For Quebec Yesterday en Route To The Front

09 Dec 14_BTHIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – Wednesday, December 9, 1914 – “The six hundred and forty men of the 23rd Westmount Battalion were given a hearty send-off when they left Montreal yesterday morning to go to Quebec, where they will join the half battalion already there, and complete their training before going to the front.

The men marched from the Peel street barracks to Windsor station, and entrained there, leaving at ten o’clock on a special train of fourteen cars.  As the marched on Peel Street, crowds of citizens, including many relatives and friends, lined the street and at times cheered lustily, the soldiers presenting a fine appearance.  In the crowds there were mothers, sisters, and sweethearts, and not all of them were successful in forcing back the tears.  But the men presented a jaunty front, singing “Tipperary” and patriotic songs as they swung along.

At the head of the parade marched the Victoria Rifles band.  Following it came Col. F.W. Fisher, commander of the battalion, and Col. E.W. Wilson, O.C. for Montreal division, Major W.B. Anderson, G.O.C., and Major L. Leduc, A.A.G. came next.  At the corner of Osborne street, Col. Wilson dropped out and received the salute of the men as they marched past.”

“Twenty Third Given Rousing Send Off,” The Montreal Daily Mail, Montreal, Quebec, Thurs., December 10, 1914, pg. 2, col. 5.

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