When Will the RMR Sail for Europe?

29 Aug 14THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 29 August 1914 – By now on August 29th rumours were circulating that the First Canadian Contingent might be ready to sail for England about mid- September.  This speculation was not confirmed by the military as many units, although not the Montreal units, had not received enough basic training.  Almost all units needed proper clothing and equipment, including weapons.  At this point in time there were already 22,000 men in Camp, 2,000 of whom were administrative or instructional staff, and permanent force personnel.

The remaining 20,000 were infantry and support services, but as yet no artillery units had arrived.  Almost every unit which had arrived to date was “over-strength” as the flow of volunteers continued.

[1] “Say Contingent May Sail About Mid-September,” The Montreal Daily Mail, Saturday, August 29, 1914, pg. 3, col. 3.

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