Another successful RMR Reunion Smoker!

The RMR’s official birthday is 02 November, but in reality the first time that RMR troops formed up together on parade and referred to themselves as “The Royal Montreal Regiment” was in August 1914. Precisely 101 years ago, the RMR was getting organized and forming part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force taking shape in Valcartier.
Last year as part of the Centennial activities and to mark 100 years of successful service to Canada, the RMR Foundation hosted a reunion in the form of a traditional “smoker” (an informal gathering) held at CFSA Montreal in Dorval on Saturday 23 August 2014. The reunion was open to the entire Regimental Family, and a BBQ lunch was included in the admission.
The event was so successful that the serving battalion requested it to repeated in 2015, and this time the RMR Association, under the leadership of Comrade Sue Guerin, happily obliged.
On a beautiful sunny day several generations of the RMR Family gathered together to mark the 101st anniversary of the Regiment’s founding. Held at the picturesque Pointe Picard location of the Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA), the Commodore welcomed the Regiment to his facilities during a short ceremony held at noon where both the Canadian flag and the RMR Camp Flag were hoisted.
Members of the RMR Association ran a BBQ where everyone got to enjoy sausages & hotdogs cooked to perfection over a charcoal grill, and CFSA club members kindly volunteered to take visitors out on the lake for a tour in sail boats. There were canoes & kayaks available for use as well, and several visitors took advantage of the opportunity. There were activities for children, including a bouncy castle that proved to be very popular!
There were an awful lot of red caps of the RMR Association members present as more than 60 years of chronological service was represented by the RMR’s at the reunion, with one member having joined the Regiment in the early 1950’s, others having joined this year, and every point in between!
Special thanks to the Comrades from the RMR Association who helped so much to make it a great day for all who attended. Photos of the event can be downloaded from the RMR Association’s Facebook Page.