Author / Colin

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  • Commendation for Sergeant Brigitte O’Driscoll

    Article written by Lieutenant-Colonel Maciej Jonasz, CO RMR Westmount, Quebec – 13 March 2023: On the 2nd of March 2023, RMR’s Sergeant Brigitte O’Driscoll has received the Canadian Joint Operations Command commander’s…

  • Meet the RMR’s NCO’s: Sergeant Alexey Oleshko, CD, CPA

    “Meet the RMR’s NCO’s” is a series where we profile a different NCO each month for readers to get to know the folks who make up the ‘backbone of the army’ Westmount,…

  • Tell your Peacekeeping story!

    Westmount, Quebec – 15 February 2023: The year 2023 marks two peacekeeping milestones – the 75th anniversary of the first United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operation (UNTSO), and the 35th anniversary of the…

  • RMR leaders speak at Aldo Women’s Leadership Conference

    Westmount Quebec, 09 February 2023: Aldo Group, a leading footwear, handbags and accessories fashion company based in Montreal, recently held a Women’s Leadership Conference where they invited members of the Army Reserves…

  • Museum Visitor of the Year Award for 2022

    Westmount, Quebec – 25 January 2023: Mr. Ron Zemancik, the RMR Museum Curator, is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s Visitor of the Year: Private Edward Park. In recognition of…

  • Meet the RMR’s NCO’s: Sergeant Megal Johnson, CD

    “Meet the RMR’s NCO’s” is a series where we profile a different NCO each month for readers to get to know the folks who make up the ‘backbone of the army’ Westmount,…

  • RMR’s Battle for Leopold Canal told by BGen Patterson

      Westmount, Quebec – 08 January 2023: At the end of October 2022, friend of the Regiment, Brigadier-General (ret’d) David Patterson, was featured on the YouTube channel “On This Day In Canadian…

  • RMR Greets 2023 with Levée

    Westmount, Quebec – 02 January 2023: The New Year was kicked off in fine fashion yesterday at the RMR, with approximately 30 members of the extended RMR family gathering for the “RSM’s…

  • LEVEE DAY 2023

    WHEN: 10h00 – 14h00: 01 January 2023 WHERE: Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess Westmount, Quebec – 26 December 2022: The Royal Montreal Regiment invites you to join us for Levée Day, Sunday…

  • C9 Light Machine Gun Live-Fire Training

    ARTICLE WRITTEN BY CORPORAL RAZAVI Westmount, Quebec – 07 December 2022: The C9 light machine gun (LMG) is a weapon of great importance for the infantry soldier, usually two per section; it…