Author / Colin

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  • Witness to War: Thursday August 30, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Wednesday August 29, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Father badges son

    Farnham, Quebec – 27 August 2017: In a ceremony held in the field after successfully completing the 13 km Battle Fitness test, Private Rambarransingh was officially badged into The Royal Montreal Regiment…

  • Private Morneau wins CO’s Challenge Trophy

    Farnham, Quebec – 28 August 2017: Private Morneau won the RMR’s infamous “Back Breaker” competition this Sunday in Farnham, completing the 13 kilometre forced march in full gear (tactical vest, rucksack, helmet,…

  • Witness to War: Tuesday August 28, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Monday August 27, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Sunday August 26, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Saturday August 25, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Friday August 24, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…

  • Witness to War: Thursday August 23, 1917

    Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some…