Westmount, Quebec: 21 September 2020 – The Royal Montreal Regiment conducted their annual ‘Call to Arms’ exercise this past weekend. The collective training was held on civilian land belonging to Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel David Bensadoun.

RMR soldiers marching to the start line for the forced march competition during Ex BACK BREAKER 2020. Photo credit: Corporal L. Ene.

Despite the social-distancing parameters imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic, the training went smoothly – with face masks being prevalent and plenty of hand sanitizer available throughout.

Canadian infantry soldiers marching
RMR troops conducting a forced march during Ex BACK BREAKER 2020. Photo credit: Corporal L. Ene.

Soldiers conducted the forced march part of the competition in groups of ten to enhance the social-distancing requirements, and the Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS/NIAC) were also conducted in small groups with all participants wearing masks. The main lesson to be learned is that training can go on in a safe and effective manner.

Corporal Pellow demonstrates PW take-down drills with Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Bensadoun during Ex BACK BREAKER 2020. Photo credit: Corporal L. Ene.

One of the highlights of the Ex BACK BREAKER is the badging of soldiers into the Regiment. Upon their successful completion of their Infantry Soldier qualification course, recruits become soldiers. They are promoted to Private (receiving their first hook), they have their generic Canadian Armed Forces cap badge (colloquially known as the “cornflake) removed, and they are presented with the cap badge of the RMR in front of the serving battalion.

RMR soldiers who successfully passed their Infantry Qualification being badged into the regiment by the Honoraries and the Commanding Officer during Ex BACK BREAKER 2020. Photo credit: Corporal L. Ene.
RMR soldiers receiving their Private rank badge from the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone, during Ex BACK BREAKER 2020. Photo credit: Corporal L. Ene.

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