Canadian Made Ambulances Supplied to Red Cross in 1915
Monday, June 14, 1915
Rest Billets, Bethune
The Battalion War Diarist wrote for day: “Battn. parade and drill at 3rd Bde. H.Q. Drill very good, especially as there had been no opportunity for such for many weeks.”[1]
THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY: “Among the special equipment supplied for the Red Cross, none is attracting more attention than the ambulances which have been built for the work in France and Belgium.
The Russell ambulances are equipped with high-powered Knight engines, and are electrically started and lighted. Much favourable comment has been made on these high-class machines.
They have been designed with special reference to the hardship they will be called upon to endure. They are built with a wide margin of safety, size and comfort.
The interior is provided with every facility for taking care of the wounded. There is provision for four stretchers, as well as several seats. When the stretchers are in place, there is room for an attendant to pass between and give medical attention to those in transport.
The construction is high class throughout, being manufactured by the Russell Company, whose reputation for building cars of the highest grade is unquestioned.
In addition to those already presented for this work, several are now in process of manufacture in the Russell shops. Among the latest are those for the Daughters of the Empire, Saskatchewan, Messrs J. D. Patterson of Woodstock, Harry Cockshutt and Lloyd Harris of Brantford.” [3]
[1] War Diary, 14th Canadian Battalion, The Royal Montreal Regiment, June 14, 1915. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa
[2] “Ambulances Are Popular,” The Toronto World, Toronto, Ontario, Friday, June 4, 1915, pg. 3, col.5.
[3] Ibid.