Category / B Coy / News

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  • RMR ethos explained

    Westmount, Quebec – 28 May 2019: The Commanding Officer of The Royal Montreal Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone, has requested that this letter from the outgoing Officer Commanding Bravo Company, Captain Alan Vincent,…

  • Warrant Officer Anctil wins the Trent Cup (again!)

    Westmount, Quebec – 10 May 2019: The Regiment’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Shone, and the Regimental Sergeant-Major, Master Warrant Officer Leroux, were pleased to announce at the Regiment’s battalion review parade held on…


    ARTICLE WRITTEN BY MASTER-CORPORAL ALEXANDER LOEVEN Westmount, Quebec – 02 April 2019: On the weekend of 30-31st of March, the RMR hosted two specialists to teach their members different aspects of unarmed…

  • Interest Peaked!

    Article written by Captain Alan P. Vincent, OC Bravo Company Westmount, Quebec – 23 March 2019: On Friday, 8 March 2019 members of Bravo Company presented themselves to the armoury where they…

  • Ex BRASS MONKEY 2019

    Westmount, Quebec – 18 February 2019: Soldiers from the RMR spent the weekend on private land in Potton, Quebec learning winter survival skills. Troops deployed on Friday night, arriving close to midnight…


    ARTICLE WRITTEN BY THE MEMBERS OF THE RMR PLATOON Westmount, Quebec – 13 January 2019: The yellow star that we call the sun was rising above sunny Virginia when the RMR within…

  • RMR’s on Canadian Patrol Concentration 2018

    Article written by Corporal Alexander Loeven, RMR Westmount, Quebec – 01 December 2018: From the 20 – 26 November 2018, the 34th Canadian Brigade Group sent two teams to participate in the Canadian…


    Article written by Corporal Laurien Ene, Bravo Company, RMR Westmount, Quebec – 06 November 2018:  Early morning on the weekend of 27th October 2018 The RMR took to the field to sharpen its…

  • Ex APPRENTICE WARRIOR 2018: RMR Call to Arms Weekend

    Article written by Master-Corporal Grégory Fils-Aimé, B-Coy, 5 PL, 3 Sect Comd Westmount, Quebec – 09 September 2018: On the weekend of 24-26 August, The Royal Montreal Regiment undertook its annual call to arms weekend.…

  • Private Morneau wins CO’s Challenge Trophy – Again!

    Owl’s Head, Quebec – 26 August 2018: Private Morneau won the RMR’s infamous “Back Breaker” competition on Sunday, which was held on civilian land near Owl’s Head this year. He completed the…