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  • Battle of Vimy Ridge Movie Night a Success

    10 April 2015 – More than 150 people were in attendance last night as the RMR Foundation and Canada Company hosted a movie night at Cineplex Odeon Forum.  The aim of the event…

  • RMR holds Centennial Regimental Dinner

    28 March 2015 – All ranks of the serving battalion of The Royal Montreal Regiment gathered Saturday evening for a regimental mess dinner on the parade square. The dinner began with a…

  • Hampstead Recognized by Canadian Forces Liaison Council

    Westmount, QC – 24 March 2015: Hampstead, one of the RMR’s four affiliated cities, was recognized by the Canadian Armed Forces for the employer support that they provide to Reservists. Nominated by Major…

  • “Battle of Vimy Ridge” movie night: 09 April 15

      Westmount, QC – 10 March 2015:  09 April is “Vimy Ridge Day” in Canada, and 2015 marks the 98th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge. The RMR Foundation and Canada…

  • Afghanistan Memorial Vigil in St-Jean: 10 – 14 March 2015

    One of the ways the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces are commemorating the service of Canadian personnel is through an Afghanistan Memorial Vigil. The Vigil commemorates those who…


    By Buzz Bourdon (late the RMR 1975-82) While many militia units can boast two generations of the same family in their history, the Andersons of Montreal can claim a proud history of…


    Written by Lieutenant Alan Vincent, RMR Westmount, QC – 25 January 2015: The sun had not yet risen from behind the horizon and its urban silhouette as soldiers began to arrive at…

  • RMR Association (Branch 14) welcomes new President

    by Comrade Andrew Ross (RMR Association’s Public Affairs Officer) Westmount, QC – 26 January 2015: Elected by acclamation and thunderous applause, Comrade Sue Guerin, CD has been elected as the RMR Association’s new president, taking…

  • Meet the RMR’s Army Cadets

    Pointe-Claire, QC – January 2015: Breakfast Television has produced a series of videos titled “Meet the Royal Canadian Army Cadets” featuring the RMR’s own affiliated cadet corps # 2806 Pointe-Claire. Meeting the…

  • RIP Comrade Paul Turner, MSM, CD

    22 January 2015: It is with great sadness that RMR Association (Br. 14) must announce the passing of Comrade Master-Warrant Officer (retired) Paul Turner MSM, CD on Jan 20, 2015 at the Ste.…