Command Team Coin for Sergeant Cowling

Westmount, Quebec – 02 June 2023: On Sunday afternoon 07 May 2023, during a Battalion Review parade following the traditional annual church parade, Sergeant Kevin Cowling was awarded the RMR’s Command Team Coin. His commendation reads:
“Since September 2021, Sgt Cowling has acted as a platoon 2IC in B Coy. Despite not having done the 3B Platoon 2IC course, Sgt Cowling has been an effective platoon second in command, mentoring junior officers, planning training, and leading his platoon in the field. This fall, Sgt Cowling took a position at 2 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group as a Canadian Ranger Instructor. Despite the demands of this position, Sgt Cowling has remained in his position as 5 platoon 2IC in B Coy through voluntary service at the Royal Montreal Regiment. For stepping up to take on a position beyond his formal training and for his ongoing dedication to the Regiment, Sgt Cowling is awarded the Commander’s Coin. “