Corporal Ene Wins the “Soldier Trophy”

Westmount, Quebec – 11 May 2018: THE SOLDIER TROPHY (MOST IMPROVED SOLDIER) award is given to the most deserving soldier who made great improvements in attendance, fitness, professional competence, dress, drill, and discipline. The Regiment’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Shone, and the Regimental Sergeant-Major, Chief Warrant Officer Cochrane, were pleased to announce at the Regiment’s battalion review parade held on 06 May 2018 that Private Laurian Ene had earned the Soldier Trophy for the 2017-18 training year.
The trophy was donated to the RMR in the early 1990’s by the members of the Regular Forces Support Staff (RSS): Captain Matthew McDonald of the PPCLI, and Warrant Officer Gaudreau of the R22eR.