THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY, 14 September 2014 – “The final touch of a busy day was furnished by a real fire to-night. A large circus tent, used to house a moving picture entertainment, was totally wrecked. The affair was not altogether accidental and it was quite fortunate that no one was injured. There had been some criticism of the performance offered, the main objection being that there was no change of programme. To-night there was a large gathering and when the films projected turned out to be those shown previously there was objection from those who had seen the reels before. There was a demand for “money back” and when this was not forthcoming protests became more vigorous. Men seized the big centre poles and began to rock the tent. Down it came carrying an adjoining canvas structure used as a canteen. Many men were caught underneath, but all managed to scramble to safety and the operator carried his machine free of the wreck. Oil lamps were overturned and the tent was soon on fire. Wooden platforms and other woodwork made a fine pile for the fire and a big blaze illuminated the whole of the main camp. The fire did not spread beyond the two tents which were a total loss.” [1]
[1] “Perfect Weather Made Review The Finest Yet Held, Fire in Camp” The Montreal Daily Mail, Montreal, Tuesday, September 15, 1914. Pg. 2, col. 5.