Friday, January 15, 1915

In Camp, Lark Hill, Salisbury Plains

The Battalion War Diarist wrote for this day: “Morning, Battalion in attack, p.m. Route march.  Lecture on billeting by 3rd Bde. Staff Officer.” [1]

15 Jan 15THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY: “Word has just reached the St. John Ambulance Society that the following articles are needed by the Canadian Expeditionary Force on Salisbury Plain: socks, comforters, wristlets, sleeping socks, sweaters, warm underclothing.  These are needed by the second battalion whose strength is 1,141.  The ninth battalion is in need of cholera bands, pajamas, underwear, socks, warm woolen gloves, balaclava caps, slippers for sick men, elastic bandages, mufflers, handkerchiefs, Seidlitz powders,* wristlets.  The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery need mufflers, warm gloves andhandkerchiefs.  The society will receive any of these comforts and forward them for distribution.”

“The St. John Anbulance Society Will Receive and Forward Gifts To Salisbury,” The Toronto World, Toronto, Ontario, Tuesday, January 12, 1915, pg. 3, col. 5.


* Seidlitz powder or Sedlitz powders is the name under which a commonly known regulator of digestion and laxative was distributed. It is composed of a mixture of tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium sodium tartrate, and is used as a mild cathartic by dissolving it in water and drinking.

Wikipedia contributors, "Seidlitz powder," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed October 25, 2014).
[1] War Diary, 14th Canadian Battalion, The Royal Montreal Regiment, Jan  , 1915.  Library andArchives Canada, Ottawa,

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