Honorary Colonel’s Christmas Parade 2021

Westmount, Quebec – 12 December 2021: After being forced to break with tradition last year due to Covid restrictions, the serving battalion of the RMR took a break from the serious business of soldiering and enjoyed each others company for the annual Christmas festivities, which includes a turkey shoot, a tug-of-war, a hockey tournament in the Westmount arena, and the traditional Christmas dinner where the leaders serve the troops and the “CO of the Day” is appointed to rule over the dinner.

There were still Covid restrictions in place, however – the RMR Association (Branch 14, Royal Canadian Legion) members were not allowed to attend, and some of the traditional activities had to be curtailed. The ‘main event’ of the Junior Ranks Club beating the combined officers & NCO’s team at hockey kicked the day off at 07h00 in the Westmount arena. The troops did not disappoint, winning the game handily 6 – 2.

Junior Ranks Club (yellow jerseys) looking quite pleased with themselves at the end of the game.

This year also saw a promotion, numerous commendations and recognition being given out to deserving members of the Regiment, as well as a cheque presentation to Jim Hughes, CEO of the the Old Brewery Mission, for funds raised by the RMR to help homeless veterans.

Command Team commendations given to (left to right): Sergeant David, Master-Warrant Officer Doucet, and Sergeant Dupuis. Photo credit MCpl Mai.
James Hughes, CEO of the Old Brewery Mission, receiving a cheque from the RMR’s Padre, Captain Rici Be,and the members of the RMR who have been instrumental in raising funds to help homeless veterans in Montreal. Photo credit MCpl Mai.
According to tradition, the Commanding Officer for the day is the youngest soldier present. Private Diblee-Ledoux, seen here accepting the CO’s tunic from Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone. Photo credit MCpl Mai.
Regimental Sergeant-Major for the day, Corporal Yeung after accepting the RSM’s tunic from Chief Warrant Officer Stephan Leroux. “I am just filling in for Tobas” was the memorable quote of the afternoon. Photo credit MCpl Mai.
NCO’s and officers serving lunch to the troops, Sergeant O’Driscoll seen here. Photo credit MCpl Mai.
The Honorary Colonel, LCol (Ret’d) Colin Robinson, and the CO, LCol John Shone, enforcing a strict “everyone must eat cranberry sauce” policy. Photo credit MCpl Mai.

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