Honorary Colonel’s Christmas Parade 2022

The victorious officers & NCO’s team (left) trying their best to not look too smug after defeating the Junior Ranks 4-2.

Westmount, Quebec – 18 December 2022: The serving battalion of the RMR took a break from the serious business of soldiering, and enjoyed each others company for the annual Christmas festivities, which includes a turkey shoot, a tug-of-war, a floor hockey game (with questionable refereeing), and the traditional Christmas dinner where the leaders serve the troops with Private Dibblee-Ledoux appointed “CO of the Day” to rule over the dinner.

The RMR Association (Branch 14, Royal Canadian Legion) members and board members of the RMR Foundation joined the serving battalion for lunch on the main floor, and this year also saw promotions, numerous commendations and recognition being given out to deserving members of the Regiment.

Lieutenant-Colonel Maciej Jonasz (left) promoting Captain Stephan Leroux (centre), accompanied by the RSM, Master-Warrant Officer James Quesnel (right). Photo credit: Captain Rici Be.
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel David Bensadoun awards the cash prizes from the RMR Foundation that are associated with the RMR’s annual trophies from the 2021-22 training year. Clockwise from top left: CAPT MCKEAN TROPHY – Corporal Owen Lavalliere, RSM Trophy – Sergeant Christopher Lamb, COLONEL TRENT CUP – Sergeant Connor Prince-Pugh, Best Rifle Shot Trophy – Sergeant Joel Bergeron, SOLDIER TROPHY – Corporal Kobe Archer, and the MAJOR BARRE TROPHY – Private  Innokentiy Perelmutov
RMR Command Team commendations awarded to (left to right): Sergeants Dimayuga and Jasmin-Robinson, and Captain McLaughlin.
Sergeant Didier Dupuis presented with the RMR Command Team coin in recognition of his years of dedicated service as the RQMS.
Master-Corporal Jaggi, PMC of the Junior Ranks Club, hands over a case of beer each to the PMC’s of the victorious messes. Sergeant David (centre), Warrant Officers & Sergeants’ mess, and Major Ruiz-Lang (right), officers’ mess.

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