Impressive Progress in Valcartier
THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 05 September 1914 – Several months after development and expansion of the new military camp at Valcartier had taken place the Minister of Militia reported to the House of Commons:
“On Saturday, the 8th of August, Valcartier was taken over, and on Monday the 10th, ranges and waterworks were begun. By the 20th, three and a half miles** of ranges were completed, and 1,500 targets were put in position. Up to the same date, 12 miles of water mains had been laid in and, and 15 miles of drains, open and covered had been located. Army Service Corps and Ordnance Corps buildings were constructed, railway sidings laid in, fences removed, crops harvested, ground cleared, streets made, upwards of 200 baths for the men put in, water chlorinated, electric light and telephones installed …and 35,000 men got under canvas in less than three weeks from the acceptance of the call.” [3]
[1] Dodds, Brig.- Gen. W. O. H., C.M.G., D.S.O. (J.A.Millar) Photographs Relating to the Great War, 1914-1918.; Special Collections, University of Victoria Libraries. [2] Ibid., [3] Debates, House of Commons, 23 January 1916, as quoted by Nicholson, Col. G.W.L., CD., Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War: Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914-1919, Duhamel, Queens Printer, Ottawa, pp. 21.