THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY, 21 September 1914 – After the latest reorganization of the Canadian Contingent, this report from The Globe today suggested that apparently the Royal Montreal Regiment was still under strength.  “Practically all the men and officers from Ontario will be going to the front, according to Col. M.S. Mercer of Toronto, Brigadier of the First Infantry Brigade.  This brigade includes all the Ontario volunteers but [except] the 48th Highlanders of Toronto.  Col. Mercer told The Globe that 112 members of The Queen’s Own of Toronto had been transferred to The Royal Montreal Rifles [sic], to bring the latter up to war strength.  The Queen’s Own was over strength.  Col. Mercer added that 150 Ontario men had been transferred to various other units, such as the Royal Canadian Regiment, the Royal Canadian Dragoons, and the Strathcona Horse.”  [i]

[i] “Valcartier Review a Memorable Scene, Men advanced to a High State of Efficiency,” The Globe (1844-1936), Toronto, Ontario, September 21, 1914, pg. 3, col. 1.


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