Museum Visitor of the Year Award for 2022
Westmount, Quebec – 25 January 2023: Mr. Ron Zemancik, the RMR Museum Curator, is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s Visitor of the Year: Private Edward Park. In recognition of his outstanding performance as a BOR Clerk and in appreciation of his continued assistance to the Regimental Museum staff during our Renewal Project and subsequent ducting renovations.
Ron remarked about Private Park “He is one of the hard working people in the BOR keeping the unit organized. He is always ready to help out the museum with unit paperwork and IT problems.”
Seen presenting the award is Amélie Chalifoux, a recent addition to the RMR Family who comes to us from the Musée de Beaux Arts here in Montreal. She has taken on the daunting task of inventorying, cataloguing, and the proper storing of all the artefacts in our reserve. Welcome Amélie!