10 Sept 1914THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 10 September 1914 – Today The Globe’s correspondent was able to report as follows:  “Musketry practice was resumed in earnest today, more than fifteen thousand men receiving instructions at the rifle ranges.  Col. Helmer, who has charge of this work, stated that a quarter million rounds of ammunition had been used, but every bullet had been made to count.  An interesting feature was the battle practice in which several of the battalions were engaged.  The men advanced towards the ranges in skirmish order, scouts having been sent out.  Suddenly a hundred targets were shot up to represent the enemy; shots were fired from a four-hundred yard range, and the scores made were remarkably good, some of the targets having more than a hundred bullet holes in them.  The targets, of course, remained up only a few seconds, and the men had to fire very rapidly.   While the infantrymen are busy drilling, marching and shooting, the artillerymen are also hard at work.  They will shortly engage in bivouacs that will take them away from their headquarters for a day at a time.  Instruction is to commence at once in Maxim gun shooting.  One gun will be issued to each infantry brigade.”  [1]

At the same time the correspondent of The Montreal Daily Mail was reporting “With the physical examination of the men almost completed, Colonel Williams [Camp Commandant] tonight stated that the rejection would be less than seven percent, about 2,200 men, an exceptionally good showing, and a tribute to the work of the various regimental examining officers who passed on the men before they left for this concentration camp.  The figures are not yet complete, but the estimate is based on information submitted by the Army Medical Service heads.

It was a busy day in camp.  The sun appeared for the first time in several days and allowed the men to get the kinks out of their system.  There was a fine, fresh breeze and there was a general drying up even the Royal Standard, which had received a soaking on Sunday, was put on the line to dry out.  And tonight it is cold. In consequence there are fires, good hot-looking bonfires, throughout the camp, and we need them.”  [2]


[1] W. Marchington, Staff Correspondent, “Second Contingent is Very Probable,” The Globe (1844-1936), Toronto, Ontario, September 10, 1914, pg. 3.
[2] “Seven Percent of Volunteers Are Physically Unfit,” The Montreal Daily Mail, Montreal, Thursday, September 10, 1914, pg. 2, col. 3.


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