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  • First Ever Division Sized Parade in Canadian History

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 06 September 1914 – “For the first time in the history of the Canadian Militia, a complete division was paraded this afternoon and passed in review…

  • Impressive Progress in Valcartier

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 05 September 1914 – Several months after development and expansion of the new military camp at Valcartier had taken place the Minister of Militia reported  to…

  • Price Named as First RSM for RMR

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 04 September 1914 – “Promotions amongst the non-commissioned officers took place at the same time as the changes mentioned above [yesterday].  Men who showed ability in…

  • RMR Reinforced in Valcartier

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 03 September 1914 – As part of the reorganization of the Canadian Contingent, and  “to bring the battalions of the newly formed 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade…


    By Buzz Bourdon (late the RMR, 1975-82) Westmount, 02 Sept 2014 – Two army reserve soldiers from the Royal Montreal Regiment had the eyes of the world on them this summer, as…

  • RMR Confirmed As 14th CEF, Manages to Keep Pants On

    THIS DAY IN HISTORY – 02 September 1914 – “By the end of August thousands of troops had poured into Valcartier and organization of a Canadian division was in process.  After one or…

  • RMR Confirmed as 14th Battalion CEF

    THIS DAY IN HISTORY – 01 September 1914 – Canada’s initial plans were to establish a Canadian Division consisting of three brigades, each with four battalions. It soon became apparent that with…

  • 150,000 Pairs of Socks Needed

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 31 August 1914 – When war was declared at the beginning of the month, Canada had volunteered to send troops to the aid of Britain. However,…

  • Routine Sets in For RMR in Valcartier

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 30 August 1914 – “For a few days after arrival at Valcartier the Royal Montreal Regiment was occupied with routine.  As Sir Andrew Macphail in his…

  • When Will the RMR Sail for Europe?

    THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 29 August 1914 – By now on August 29th rumours were circulating that the First Canadian Contingent might be ready to sail for England about mid-…