Officer Selection from the Ranks

THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY, 31 October 1914 – From the 14th BATTALION (RMR) WAR DIARY:

Saturday, October 31, 1914

Camp Salisbury Plain, West Down South

The Battalion War Diarist wrote for this day: “Rain.  Training under difficulties on account of bad weather.”  [1]

OFFICER COMMISSIONS:  “It was decided early in the War that Commissions should be granted to non-commissioned officers and men who showed that they possessed the requisite qualities for leadership; but while service in the Field was a valuable apprenticeship, special training was of course absolutely necessary.

To ensure this the Canadian Training School for Infantry Officers was established at Bexhill-on-Sea in Sussex.  Here candidates for commissions were given instructions in all branches of practical military knowledge, while junior Officers who needed additional instruction were given special courses and advanced training.  The School, which was noted for its precision in drill movements, its esprit-de-corps and general efficiency, was an object of great interest to Imperial Officers, among whom Field-Marshal Lord French, when Commander-in-Chief of the Home Forces in Great Britain, placed it on record that he was much impressed by the establishment’s smartness, keenness and efficiency.”  [2]

[1]   War Diary, 14th Canadian Battalion, The Royal Montreal Regiment, Oct. 25, 1914.  Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa,
[2]   Report of the Ministry, Overseas Military Forces of Canada 1918, London, Printed by the Authority of the Ministry, Overseas Military Forces of Canada, pg. 15.


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