Open House held 07 April 2018

Open House welcoming committee! Photo credit: Private Daniel Mordakhai

Article written by Second-Lieutenant Perchun

Westmount, Quebec – 12 April 2018: On April 7th The Royal Montreal regiment conducted a recruiting Open House. The visitors were able to see and touch the weapons we put on display, including the Browning Pistol, the C7, the C9, the C6 and the 84 mm Carl Gustaf. 

Visitors checking out the equipment display. Photo credit Corporal Kenton Townsend.

Along with the weapons stand, a modular tent with a cam net was set up and equipment such as the Vehicle Checkpoint (VCP) kit was presented. Furthermore, all the visitors were offered to try on some military equipment such as a ruck sack, a tactical vest, a Kevlar helmet, etc.

RMR Museum display with replica uniforms and equipment. Photo credit Corporal Kenton Townsend.

The RMR Museum was open to the public and along with its usually displayed items, they had an exhibit and gave presentations on both World Wars.  This event was part of a series of periodical nationwide Army Reserve open houses that are designed to engage Canadians on the local level so they learn more about all the work that Reservists do.

Above all, these events are offering information about the benefits of being a member of the Reserves and about enrolment process. These events will place Canadians in the company of our nation’s soldiers and are part of the Canadian Army’s overall initiative to recruit new members.

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