Ottawa ‘Beer Call’ scheduled for 15 June 2023

Smiling RMR’s in the Ottawa area gather at the Big Rig brewery on 04 May 2023. Left to right: CWO Dave Cochrane, Capt Doosoon Jang, Maj Hadi Hashempour, Capt (ret’d) Guy Marinier, LCol (ret’d) George Siket, Sgt (ret’d) Nik Rambarransingh, Maj Jawad Al-Khairy, LCol Jung Seo, LCol Kevin Langlois.

Westmount, Quebec – 18 May 2023: The ‘Ottawa chapter’ of the RMR Association (OK, no such entity actually exists, but it sounds cool and they should consider making one!) has scheduled a ‘Beer Call’ before the summer settles in and a few folks are deployed overseas, posted, etc., so it would be great to get together before they depart.

  • WHEN: Thursday 15 June 2023, starting at 16h30
  • WHERE: Mill St Brewery, 555 Wellington St., Ottawa

If you’re in the Ottawa area, please be sure to swing by and say hello!

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