Ottawa ‘Beer Call’ well attended

Smiling RMR’s in the Ottawa area gather at the Mill Street brewery on 15 June 2023. Left to right: LCol (ret’d) Harry Hall, Sgt (ret’d) Nik Rambarransingh, CWO Dave Cochrane, LCol (ret’d) George Siket,  Maj (ret’d) Dan Faughnan, WO Kazimier Rutkowski, LCol Jung Seo, and Capt (ret’d) Guy Marinier,

Westmount, Quebec – 16 June 2023: The ‘Ottawa chapter’ of the RMR Association (OK, no such entity actually exists, but it sounds cool and they should consider making one!) got together yesterday for a ‘Beer Call’ at the Mill Street Brewery. They had a chance to catch up with each other before the summer settles in and a few folks are deployed overseas, posted, etc.

Big THANK YOU to LCol (ret’d) George Siket for being the spark in getting this started – stay tuned for the next one which will be in September or October.

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