Private Morneau wins CO’s Challenge Trophy – Again!

Pte Morneau accepting the trophy from LCol Shone

Owl’s Head, Quebec – 26 August 2018: Private Morneau won the RMR’s infamous “Back Breaker” competition on Sunday, which was held on civilian land near Owl’s Head this year. He completed the 12 kilometre forced march, on hilly terrain and in full gear (tactical vest, rucksack, helmet, weapon, and gas mask), in one hour and 42 minutes – the exact same time as he did last year on a 13 kilometre flat course! For the Back Breaker competition, a minimum weight of 35 kg is carried by each participant.

This earned him the Commanding Officer’s Challenge Trophy, for the second year in a row. Congratulations to Private Morneau – way to set the standard!

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