RMR Association (Branch 14) welcomes new President
by Comrade Andrew Ross (RMR Association’s Public Affairs Officer)

Westmount, QC – 26 January 2015: Elected by acclamation and thunderous applause, Comrade Sue Guerin, CD has been elected as the RMR Association’s new president, taking on the role after Mike Fitzgerald stepped down as head of the Branch after more than a decade in the position. The election took place at the Branch’s General Meeting on Friday, January 23 at the RMR’s WO and Sgt’s Mess.
There were definite mixed feelings as the torch was passed from Comrade Fitzgerald to Comrade Guerin, as members were saddened that Fitzgerald was leaving, but also happy that Guerin has agreed to step into the role. The membership thanked Fitzgerald with an appreciative round of applause, peppered with friendly jokes and jabs. Fitzgerald will stay an active member of the Branch as the Immediate Past President.
Due to Guerin’s promotion, the newly-vacated position of 1st Vice-President was also put up for election that night. Comrade George Gohier was elected to the position, with tongue-in-cheek vow to ‘get you guys back’ for the nomination. He will also continue in his role as the Branch’s Service Officer.
Comrade Leslie Newman was also elected as the new Sergeant-of-Arms, while Comrade Tom Stibernik was also reelected in the role of Branch Treasurer.
While nominations were sought for the position of Secretary, there were no volunteers, so the position remains vacant.