RMR Association Launches 2022 Poppy Campaign

Members of the RMR Association posing in front of the IGA Alexis-Nihon to mark the start of the 2022 Poppy Campaign, 28 October 2022

Westmount, Quebec – 28 October 2022: The RMR Association (Branch 14, Royal Canadian Legion) kicked off the 2022 annual poppy campaign in Westmount at the kiosk outside the IGA in Alexis-Nihon plaza, officially marking the start of the 2022 campaign in Westmount.  

The 2022 poppy campaign runs until the end of day on 10 November 2022. Under the able leadership of the 2022 campaign chairman, Comrade Georges Gohier, the RMR Association (Br. 14) will be operating kiosks at the IGA Alexis-Nihon, outside of 5 Saisons on Greene Avenue, as well as inside Metro Grocers on Victoria Avenue.  They will also be maintaining donation boxes throughout numerous business in Westmount (Hogg hardware, various banks, Staples, coffee shops, etc.) – buy yours today!

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