RMR Centennial Plans Announced
Westmount, 29 April 14 – In a well-attended presentation given in the RMR Officers’ Mess on Tuesday evening, the RMR’s Commanding Officer, LCol Paul Langlais, introduced his Executive Committee and explained what the Regiment will be focussing on to mark its Centennial anniversary. The activities will be officially launched on 01 Nov 2014 with an all-ranks ball to be held in the Armoury and there will be numerous other activities spread over the ensuing year, culminating in November 2015.
The announcement presentation was attended by Mayors of affiliated cities, the RMR’s Honoraries, several former CO’s & RSM’s, numerous members of the RMR Association, various affiliated Cadet Corps & Squadron, and many former serving RMR’s.
More details will be published on this website as they become available (royalmontrealregiment.com/centennial) and for those wishing to contact the Centennial committee directly, please email 100@royalmontrealregiment.com.
The RMR’s official Centennial Logo is below: