RMR Centennial Reunion a Success
Dorval, 23 August 2014 – On a beautiful sunny day several generations of the RMR Family gathered together to mark the 100th anniversary of the Regiment’s founding. Held at the picturesque Pointe Picard location of the Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA), the Commodore welcomed the Regiment to his facilities during a short ceremony held at noon where both the Canadian flag and the RMR Camp Flag were hoisted. Accompanied by the music of the Air Force band, the assembled crowd sung Oh Canada and listened to the playing of the RMR’s march past, Ca Ira.
Members of the RMR Association ran a BBQ where everyone got to enjoy sausages & hotdogs cooked to perfection over a charcoal grill, and CFSA club members kindly volunteered to take visitors out on the lake for a tour in sail boats. There were canoes & kayaks available for use as well, and several visitors took advantage of the opportunity.
More than 60 years of chronological service was represented by the RMR’s at the reunion, with one member having joined the Regiment in the early 1950’s, others having joined this year, and every point in between!
Tremendous thanks to LCol (ret’d) Toby Glickman for organizing the successful reunion, and special thanks to the Comrades from the RMR Association who helped so much to make it a great day for all who attended: Sue Guerin, Tom Stibernik, and Bill Thibault.