RMR ethos explained
Westmount, Quebec – 28 May 2019: The Commanding Officer of The Royal Montreal Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone, has requested that this letter from the outgoing Officer Commanding Bravo Company, Captain Alan Vincent, be published as it is a good summary of the ethos and values that make up the RMR.

24 May 2019
Good day,
Effective immediately Maj JONASZ is now OC B-Coy and all correspondence concerning the Coy should be addressed to him. A handover was conducted on Tuesday, 21 May 2019.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words.
After close to 26 years with the RMR, occupying various positions within the ranks and as an officer, I have made the decision to step back from voluntary service and concentrate on other aspects of my career and life. Yes, I am remaining in the CAF in my Class B position. The RMR will always be in my heart. The Regiment truly did mold me into the person I am and gave me more than I can ever repay by providing me with friendships that I know for certain will remain strong for the remainder of my days. To my Regiment, keep setting the standard. Keep producing the highest quality soldiers in this Bde and in the country. Keep striving to be the best in all facets of our assigned tasks. Be proud to wear the cap badge and those three glorious letters under your rank, I am every day.
Thank you for keeping the RMR the Regiment I will always be proud to call my unit. Thank you for holding true to the fact that we are a unit that gets the job done. Thank you for keeping the Regiment a unit that is known as a field unit, with gritty, salty soldiers that when all is said and done can take what would be horrible a experience for anaverage person and allowing those soldiers to come out of it with not only a smile and laughing but with great memories.
Being at the head of what is the heart of the Regiment these past two years has been the biggest honour the RMR has bestowed upon me since the first time I walked into the armoury. To those that helped in the accomplishment of that, thank you very much for your time and effort (special mention to my CSMs, WO Brent McNair (Ret) and WO Andrew Anctil – You two made my tenure easy. Your involvement and dedication honestly kept me there). Running B-Coy is not an easy task and you all accomplish it with professionalism and dedication regularly. Getting dirty with B-Coy is for certain the highlight of my time with the Regiment, from being a C9 Gunner as a private with MCpl Olivieri and Cpl Vinluan as my Sect Comd & 2IC, to being PL WO in the USA with Capt Paulin as the PL Comd, Sgt Chung-Man Yu (Ret,), Sgt Oliver Lee and Sgt Artem Azbukin (Ret.) as the Sect Comds, making every other PL look like a complete joke… these are two memories amongst a plethora in my head I will cherish always.
Day Staff
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. It would all come to a grinding halt without you all pushing it forward in the background. Keep up the exceptional work.
Junior Ranks Mess
Where would the regiment be without the JRs? That mess shattered my shy shell as a teenager and gave me the confidence I carry today. MCpl O’Driscoll keep up the exceptional work of keeping the mess true to its purpose. It is refreshing to see the mess regaining its importance in the culture of our soldiers.
In conclusion, Thank you. This email was longer and more emotional than I intended. While I will never be far and do intend to swing by and say hello from time to time, I look forward to this new time in my life. Should you ever need anything I can help with please do not hesitate to ask.
Capt Alan Vincent, CD