RMR Ordered To Valcartier
THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 22 August 1914 – On this date Canada passed the War Measures Act (1914) conferring emergency powers on the federal Cabinet in order to provide the government with new and intrusive powers to prosecute the war.
These powers allowed the Government to govern by decree when it perceived the existence of “war, invasion or insurrection, real or apprehended.” The Act was proclaimed in force with detailed regulations limiting the freedom of Canadians. These powers included censorship, the right to detain and arrest Canadians, and the right to take control over any property.
Under the Canada’s War Measures Act (1914), some 8,579 persons designated as enemy aliens were interned during World War I as prisoners of war. Considered nationals of countries at war with Canada, the vast majority, however, were settler immigrants, primarily of Ukrainian ethnic origin. Despite their civilian status, a great many were sent to prisoner of war camps located in the Canadian hinterland, to be used as military conscript labour on government work projects.
At the same time the Saturday press announced that the four infantry regiments of the Montreal Garrison, including the recruits who would make up the newly formed 14thBattalion (RMR), would be leaving for Valcartier on the following Monday evening.
“The departure for the mobilization camp will be made in two contingents, which will comprise well over two thousand men. The Highlanders, [The 5th Royal Highland Regiment], a thousand or more strong, will leave by the Canadian Pacific on two special trains which will leave the Place Viger Station at 10:20 and 11:00, the whole detachment being in command of Major F.O.W. Loomis.
The rest of the infantry will proceed by the Canadian Northern from the Moreau street station, the first train leaving at 9:30 and the second at 10. The 3rd Victoria Rifles and Grenadier Guards expect to send about 350 men, and the 65th [Carabiniers de Mont-Royal] something over 225 men. They will be brigaded as one active service regiment for the departure. Each regiment will parade from their armouries, under their own commanders, for the active service parties, and will fall-in at the Moreau street station, where it is expected they will be brigaded as a regiment under command of Lt.-Col. F.S. Meighen of the Guards.” [1]
[1] “City Volunteers Entrain Monday,” The Gazette, Montreal, Saturday, August 22, 1914, pg. 5, col. 3.
[2] Ibid.