Saturday, November 28, 1914

Camp Salisbury Plain, West Down South

The Battalion War Diarist wrote for this day: “Rain.  Church Parade”  [1]

THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY: Soldiers with time on their hands will always find something to amuse. When the 14th Battalion was overseas a humorist suggested suitable hymns for each incident of the day.

Reveille                                  Christians, Awake!
First Parade                         Art thou weary, art thou languid?
Breakfast                              Meekly wait, and murmur not.
Sergt-Major’s Parade       When he cometh, when he cometh!
Physical Training             Here we suffer grief and pain.
Route March                       Onward Christian Soldiers!
Dinner                                  Come ye thankful people, Come!
Rifle Drill                            Go, labour on!
Officer’s Lecture                 Tell us the old, old story.
Dismiss                                Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.
Tea                                         What means this eager anxious throng?
Last Post                              Safely, safely gathered in.
Lights Out                           Peace, perfect peace.  [2]


[1]  War Diary, 14th Canadian Battalion, The Royal Montreal Regiment, Nov 28, 1914.  Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, http://data2.collectionscanada.ca/e/e044/e001089676.jpg
[2]  Lt.-Col. F.S. Meighen, “A Brief Outline of the Story of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, and the First Months of The Royal Montreal Regiment in the Great War, told in an anthology of verse and prose.”  Montreal, Montreal Gazette Printing Co., 1926


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