RMR Welcomes Home Deployed Members

L->R: CO, LCol Denis, RSM, CWO Cochrane, and RMR Association President, Cde Guerin
L->R: CO, LCol Denis, RSM, CWO Cochrane, and RMR Association President, Cde Guerin (Photo credit: Corporal Yeung, RMR)

Westmount, Quebec – 25 October 2016: While care packages have been sent to deployed soldiers since time immemorial, one RMR tradition that has been enduring for the past decade or more is to include personalized Habs sweaters.

The RMR Association, Branch 14, of the Royal Canadian Legion has been providing deployed RMR soldiers with official replica game jerseys personalized with the number 14 (in honour of the RMR’s roots as the 14the battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the First World War) and the soldier’s last name.

Corporals Vallieres and Oleshko were the two most recent recipients. In a ceremony as part of the CO’s parade on 11 September 2016, the RMR Association president, Comrade Sue Guerin, CD, presented both soldiers with their jerseys and a RMR ball cap from the kit shop.

Comrade Guerin gives the Habs sweater to Corporal Oleshko to formally welcome him safely home from deployment (Photo credit: Corporal Yeung, RMR)

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