RMR’s 2020 workplace charitable campaign aims to help homeless veterans

Photo credit: CTV News

Westmount, Quebec – 08 October 2020: No one should go hungry, homeless, and least of all be left without assistance. Therefore, this Fall the RMR’s 2020 workplace charitable campaign committee invites all serving soldiers to be generous and assist our homeless veterans in Montreal and prevent future veterans from experiencing homelessness. The money raised will go a long way to support the good work of the Old Brewery Mission Foundation‘s Sentinels of the Street program.

The committee listed two ways for serving RMR soldiers to donate:

Option 1: leave your cash donation in the collection box in the BOR

Option 2: donate online through EPledge (note: minimum donation of 26$). Make sure to specifically direct your donation to the ”Old Brewery Mission FOUNDATION” (not the Old Brewery Mission).

If soldiers donate via EPledge, please email Sergeant D’Haiti at James.D’Haiti@forces.gc.ca with a confirmation of your donation (print screen of the completion page or forwarding him the confirmation email you will receive). This will be tallied up and the information sent to our 2nd Division’s Campaign Leader for the Montreal Area to calculate the number of donations made through EPledge. The goal is to raise $120,000 from the 26 units in the Montreal Garrison.

Of course, all members of the RMR Family are encouraged to support this, and if anyone wants to make a donation to help out, the RMR Foundation is collecting donations (tax receipts are generated automatically and sent by email for any amount over three ($3.00) dollars. Just be sure to list in the message section the words “HOMELESS VETERANS” and the RMR Foundation will add the amount to Padre Be’s tally that he can report on.

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