RMR’s Nijmegan Team Going Strong!

Westmount, 20 May 2014 – Over the last two weeks the 12 remaining RMR soldiers and one medic who comprise the RMR’s Nijmegan Team have completed 130 km of marching, including back-to-back 30 kilometer marches this past long weekend alone.
The training is starting to pay off as the soldiers are gelling more as a team and are becoming more accustomed to the long kilometres. Now that the team is training in the 30 to 35 kilometer range, carefully planned lunch stops have been added to the training.  This coming weekend will be the teams first 40 kilometer march followed by three back-to-back 20 kilometer marches planned during the weeknights.
So far the RMR Marching Team has conducted over 420 kilometers worth of training with another 270 kilometer are planned until they are declared “Operationally Ready” in June.  Even then the team will still be out training, maintaining their form until the final deployment in July – track them down and encourage them!
May 17 Trace May 18 Trace P5020098 P5100120 P5180126 Photo 2014-05-18, 10 13 35

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