RSM Leroux promoted

Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone promoting Chief Warrant Officer Stephan Leroux. Photo credit: Adjudant René Doucet.

Westmount, Quebec – 22 January 2020: In a short ceremony held on CO’s parade last night, the RMR’s Regimental Sergeant-Major, Chief Warrant Officer Stephan Leroux was promoted to his current rank.

Warrant Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers are frequently called ‘the backbone of the Army.’ Their role is to translate the intentions of commanders into action and they are the link connecting the soldiers to their officers. Because of their experience, maturity and knowledge, Senior NCOs and Warrant Officers serve a special function. They must not only set the example in matters of discipline, drill, dress and deportment, but they also have an important responsibility in assisting in the development of inexperienced officers – a function that includes offering advice, helping solve problems, and providing feedback and information.

Congratulations to CWO Leroux!

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