Shortages Aboard Ship

THIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY, 12 October 1914 – A press correspondent travelling with the Contingent writing after arriving at Plymouth a few days later described: – “A tobacco and match famine, which for several days had been raging, has now been alleviated by the arrival alongside of a boat having for sale the desired goods. This means that the chaps who had money left bought the articles, their less fortunate – or less provident – fellows borrowing.
It is almost a month since the men received any pay, and after spending freely at Valcartier and Quebec, there was not much left in many cases for the voyage. And with “pop” at ten cents a time, and cigarettes and tobacco almost twice the usual figure, the remnants of pay dwindled to a cipher in no time.” [2]
[1] “Editing with Traces of the Past,”-
[2] “Reports of the Landing Amused Canadian Troops,” Toronto Daily Star (1900-1971), Toronto, Ontario, November 2, 1914, pg. 7.