Souterrain Impressions exhibition extended until Thursday

Westmount, Quebec – 02 May 2016: Good news! If you haven’t yet had a chance to take in the Souterrain Impressions exhibition (or want to see it again), we are extending access until this Thursday evening.

Scanning process

This display of underground carvings providing a unique glimpse into the experience of Canadian soldiers near Vimy Ridge almost a century ago remains open to the public from 16h00 – 20h00 until Thursday 05 May 2016.

The exhibition will be reconfigured over the weekend to allow access to schools and private groups by appointment only over the summer, however it will not be in the same “cave like” configuration as it is now.

If you know of any schools or groups that would be interested in scheduling a private visit of the exhibition, please have them contact us at

There is no cost for entrance. Donations are welcomeappreciated – and eligible for a receipt that can be applied to your annual income tax return.


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