Virtual Battle Simulation held inside RMR’s Armoury

Westmount, Quebec – 25 March 2018: Last year, over the weekend of 28 – 29 January 2017, a rifle platoon from the RMR’s “B” Company conducted offensive operations training within the armoury… but not how you might think! No weapons, snowshoes, or tent groups were drawn from the QM, nobody boarded vehicles for the long drive to Valcartier, and no one even got their feet dirty, let along cold, wet, and miserable!

And yet over the course of the weekend this 40-person strong rifle platoon executed three raids, one of which included a heliborne and another an assault boat insertion, all without ever leaving the comfort of the RMR’s armoury on Ste-Catherine street… A detailed video produced by the RMR’s own Major Maciej Jonasz explains how it all happened:

[youtube id=”THfk3w-mFeI” width=”700″ height=”390″ fullwidth=”yes”]


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