Virtual Cadet Parades
Westmount, Quebec – 31 May 2020: In a definite sign of the times, cadet units affiliated with the RMR have adapted quickly to help their cadets finish their training year with some semblance of normalcy.
Certainly haircuts were not being inspected, nor was it possible to ascertain the brilliance of a shine on a particular pair of drill boots, however the cadets and officers showed up on their Zoom calls in uniform and keen to participate.
Number 1 Montreal West Squadron, commanded by Major Thomas Leslie, started it off on Sunday 24 May 2020 with an hour-long ‘virtual parade’ that included awards, promotions, addresses, flash mobs, and musical interludes from the joint Squadron-Corps band (# 1 Squadron + CC 2862). The level of involvement from the junior leaders and the overall delivery of the ‘virtual parade’ truly let the Squadron live up to their motto of “Second to None”.
Not to be outdone, CC 2806 Pointe-Claire (RMR), commanded by Captain Kim Thomas, held their virtual Annual Cadet Review on Saturday 30 May 2020. Both cadet units had the RMR’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone, as their reviewing officer.
Please take a moment to watch the virtual parade hosted by 2806 Pointe-Claire (RMR) this weekend. It gives you a good idea of what is being achieved by our Air and Army Cadets, and Mayor Belvedere’s address (starts at 11 minutes 50 seconds) really makes clear the value of the Cadet program and how important it is during these difficult times.
Kudos to the leadership displayed by the CIC officers and cadet NCO’s who put together the virtual Annual Cadet Reviews. Adapting and overcoming is the hallmark of successful organizations, and hats off to the cadet units who embraced the available technologies to maintain a sense of connection and tradition while celebrating their achievements.
Way to set the standard!