Westmount Police Dismantle Wireless Stations

15 Aug 14_ATHIS DAY IN RMR HISTORY – 15 August 1914 – Following the declaration of war, government officials took immediate measures to secure vital infrastructure sites such as the Victoria Bridge and the locks on the Lachine Canal.

Details of the 3rd Regt. Victoria Rifles of Canada were placed on active service on 6 August 1914 for local protection duties.  Government authorities also took steps to take control over radio and wireless to prevent communication with the enemy.  Public notices such as this began to appear in local newspapers, warning Westmounters to dismantle any wireless transmitters they might own.

15 Aug 14_B



[1] The Montreal Daily Mail,
[2] The Montreal Daily Mail, Friday, August 5, 1914, pg. 12, col. 5.
[3] The Westmount News, Friday, August 14th, 1914 http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=7Pm5v_kJJ6IC&dat=19140814&printsec=frontpage&hl=en


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