Witness to War: Saturday August 10, 1917
Private Raymond Duval, MM, was a soldier of the 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) CEF who served overseas during the last two years of the First World War. He participated in some of the fiercest fighting seen by Canadians during the war and was decorated for bravery at Passchendaele. Determined to preserve his memories of the First World War, he maintained a daily record of his experiences. Here is what he wrote precisely 100 years ago today:
Saturday August 10, 1917: Did nothing in morning staying out with Sgt Eaton Muster Parade this afternoon and am tired out. Everyone is a pain staying in billets at Maison Ruitz.
Oh for one moment with my wife – I know she to is longing for me – my only aim in life is to come back to her. I think there is no hardship I can’t stand if I can only go back to her. Please God it will be soon Received No 38.39
Up the line.
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