RCSU Eastern Command Commendation for Captain Kim Thomas

Westmount, Quebec – 15 June 2024: At their at the Annual Cadet Review held on 18 May 2024, outgoing Commanding Officer of RCACC 2806 Pointe-Claire (RMR), Captain Kim Thomas, was presented with the RCSU Eastern Command Commendation for her achievements as CO. The commendation reads:
“Captain Kim Thomas has demonstrated exceptional dedication throughout her tenure as a commander officer in the Montreal Area. Her commitment to her peers, particularly in her role as a coach and mentor to subordinates, has been instrumental in the improvement of their skills, professional development and their advancement within the organization in recent years. To this day, on out-of-region CTCs senior staffs, her work ethic and commitment to an optimal cadet and staff experience reflects positively on the Eastern region. Capt Thomas navigates the challenges of training and guiding subordinates, thereby contributing to the achievement of both their individual objectives and those of the cadet program. Her leadership not only reflects her dedication to her cadet corps and the area, but also establishes a legacy of excellence and work ethic within the cadet community in and out-of-region. Captain Thomas is a proud ambassador of the Cadet Program and her community.”