RSM Mitchell’s Medals Preserved for History

Westmount, Quebec – 24 July 2024: As we continue to honor and preserve the proud history of The Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR), in July we had a unique opportunity to bring a significant piece of our heritage back to where it belongs when we were alerted that the medals of Regimental Sergeant-Major (Warrant Officer Class I) J. A. “Jimmy Jesus” Mitchell were available for purchase.
A special thanks to LCol (ret’d) Richard Garber for first alerting us of the situation and then handling the auction bidding process on behalf of the RMR Foundation.

We quickly launched a fundraising campaign to raise the necessary funds to purchase RSM Mitchell’s medals and ensure they are preserved within our regimental museum. Thanks to many generous contributions, we have successfully secured the medals of Regimental Sergeant-Major (Warrant Officer Class I) J.A. “Jimmy Jesus” Mitchell. These historic artifacts will now be preserved within our regimental museum, ensuring that the legacy of a distinguished soldier and the proud history of The Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR) continue to inspire current and future members, as well as the broader community.
RSM Mitchell served with distinction in the RMR, exemplifying the courage, leadership, and dedication that define our storied regiment. He joined the RMR in 1927 and deployed for WW2 in December 1939 as the RSM of the 1st Battalion RMR overseas, between 1939 and 1944 when the Battalion was broken up to bring Armoured Corp regiments up to full strength prior to D-Day. For his legendary ability to be at the right place, at the right time, his men gave him the nickname “Jimmy Jesus”; he always “saved the day”.
Upon return to Canada, with the 1st Battalion reduced to nil strength, he again assumed the position of RSM of the continuing Regiment for the period 1946 to 1950. He later went on to serve as President of Branch 14 (RMR Association) – truly a life dedicated to serving his regiment and his country. His medals are a testament to his service and a tangible connection to our shared history. He refused promotion so that he could better look after his troops as RSM, and his high standards earned him the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.). His citation reads:
‘For particularly long and devoted service to his Regt and a complete desire to further the interests of the Army and for being an outstanding example in keeness, smartness and all round efficiency. Although offered the opportunity of recommendation for OCTU Course, he has elected to continue in his present rank and appointment where he feels his knowledge and length of service can be used to the best advantage of the Regt.
He is an extremely energetic soldier, well qualified in all weapons and has all the qualities of the ideal WO1. I have served with RSM Mitchell for over 15 years and cannot recommend him too highly for this award.’
M.I.D. London Gazette 9 August 1945.
RSM Mitchell’s medals, which include the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.), the 1939-45 Star, the France and Germany Star, and several other significant honors, serve as a tangible connection to our shared heritage. His exemplary service and dedication to the regiment and his country are now permanently commemorated, thanks to the contributions of so many supporters.

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Oh this is awesome!!! That is my Papa!! Thank you for this. Not only an outstanding Soldier – He was the best Grandfather!!!
Oh this is awesome!!! That is my Papa!! Thank you for this. Not only an outstanding Soldier – He was the best Grandfather!!! My mother sold those medals and the commerative sterling silver spoon that King George gave him. Papa told I was to inherit both and showed them to me. Once I found out what she did – I was very very upset – to say the least