Category / News / RMR Association

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  • RMR WW2 Vet helps badge new soldiers

    Westmount, Quebec – 25 October 2016: The Commanding Officer of The Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR), Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Francois Denis, held a CO’s parade in September that was quite memorable for all in attendance.…

  • Great time had by all at 3rd annual RMR Reunion Smoker!

    Saturday 03 September 2016 was the third iteration of the annual RMR Smoker reunion. First hosted in 2014 as part of the Centennial activities and to mark 100 years of successful service to Canada,…


    Story and photos by Buzz Bourdon (late the RMR 1975-82) Ottawa, Ontario – 26 August 2016: A good summer job, the chance to explore a new city, the honour of representing their regiment and…

  • RMR veteran featured in WW1 photo display at Atwater Market

    Westmount, Quebec – 19 August 2016: Comrade Mike Fitzgerald, past-president of the RMR Association (Branch 14) of the Royal Canadian Legion and a former Sergeant in the RMR, was invited to participate…

  • Summer Times in Valcartier : Development Phase 1

    Article written by Corporal J-P Vallières (RMR) Westmount, Quebec – 09 August 2016: I remember thinking on the first day of this course that it wasn’t going to be anything like the Basic…

  • Army Commander’s Commendation for RMR family member

    Westmount, Quebec – 25 July 2016: In a ceremony held in Ottawa on 13 July 2016, Colonel George Petrolekas, MSM, CD, (Commanding Officer of the RMR 1999-2002) was awarded the Canadian Army…

  • 100th anniversary: Battles of Somme and Beaumont-Hamel

    Article written by Corporal Robert Duma of the RMR. Westmount, Quebec – 20 July 2016: I was presented with a chance to participate on OP DISTINCTION in France, an opportunity that I…

  • RMR Museum welcomes Labelle family

    Article prepared by Mélanie Presseau-Dumais, Archivist for RMR Museum Westmount, Quebec – 06 July 2016:  Ron Zemancik, the Curator of the RMR Museum, received a request this Spring from the family of…


    Westmount, Quebec – 06 July 2016: Comrade Sue Guerin, President of the RMR Association (Br. 14) announced today that the RMR Association will be hosting another Reunion ‘Smoker’ for all Regimental Family…

  • RMR Veterans Who Handed Out Izzy Dolls Sought For Book Project

    Westmount, Quebec – 20 June 2016: Local author Anne Renaud is a writer of nonfiction, fiction and poetry for children. She is currently working on a project involving the famous “Izzy Dolls” and…