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  • Save the Date: 01 Nov 14 Gala Ball

    Westmount, 05 June 14 – The RMR will be hosting a gala ball to mark its 100th anniversary on Saturday 01 November 2014, to be held at the RMR’s Armoury on Ste-Catherine Street…

  • Wedding Bells for RMR Sergeant

    Montreal, 01 June 2014 – Congratulations to Sergeant Michael Talarico and his beautiful bride Amanda who were married yesterday in a ceremony held at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral in downtown…

  • The Intercom – Blast From the Past: 1990

    28 May 2014, Montreal – As part of our Centennial Project to collect as many past editions of the Intercom that we can find, Corporal Frank Laciak, a keen collector of RMR…

  • RMR’s Nijmegan Team Going Strong!

    Westmount, 20 May 2014 – Over the last two weeks the 12 remaining RMR soldiers and one medic who comprise the RMR’s Nijmegan Team have completed 130 km of marching, including back-to-back 30 kilometer…

  • Welcome home, Soldier!

    Montreal, 20 May 2014 – The RMR welcomed Master-Corporal Elias Aoun home from Afghanistan last night.  He was the last RMR to return from the mission, where he had been deployed in Kabul for…

  • RIP: Comrade Nino Lambertucci

    Westmount, 17 May 14 – RMR Association (Branch 14) of the Royal Canadian Legion regrets to announce the death of past-president Comrade Nino Lambertucci yesterday afternoon at the Verdun hospital. Nino was…

  • RMR awarded AFGHANISTAN theatre honour

    Ottawa, 09 May 14 – The Royal Montreal Regiment was one of 63 units in the Canadian Armed Forces who were awarded the AFGHANISTAN theatre honour yesterday in Ottawa. Theatre honours, a…

  • RMR Foundation Building Centennial Subscriber List

    In order to comply with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which takes effect July 1, 2014, the RMR Foundation is seeking the proactive electronic consent from anyone who wishes to continue receiving email messages from the RMR…

  • RMR Intercom published

    Westmount, 04 May 2014 – The Royal Montreal Regiment has published their latest edition of the Intercom, including a detailed briefing on the various planned Centennial activities.  Bravo to the editors & contributors,…

  • RMR Association (Legion Branch 14) awards new bursaries, honours long service

    Westmount, 03 May 14: The RMR Association – Branch 14 (Royal Canadian Legion) held its annual Awards and Honours night on Friday, 02 May 2014 at the WO’s & Sgt’s Mess, toasting…