Author / Colin

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  • Brass Badges

    By Buzz Bourdon (late the RMR, 1975-82) Although the RMR has been wearing the same cap badge for 100 years, there have been many interesting variations produced over the years. Since the…

  • “Westmount’s Regiment” – RMR’s story told to Westmount Historical Association

    Westmount, 17 April 2014 – The story of the RMR’s connection with Westmount was told to approximately 35 members of the Westmount Historical Association in the Officers’ Mess on Thursday evening.  The…

  • RMR Hockey Team in Finals

    After another tough fought battle in what has been a challenging Montreal Military Hockey League (MMHL) Play-Offs, the RMR has secured a place in the finals by beating out the CGG last week. The format for…

  • RMR honoured at Army Ball

    OTTAWA, 12 April 2014:  The Royal Montreal Regiment was honoured Saturday 12 April 2014, along with the other three Regiments who are celebrating Centennials this year (PPCLI, R de Hull, and R22eR).…

  • RMR Association Supports Canada Company

    Montreal, 28 March 2014 – members of the RMR Association (Branch 14) of The Royal Canadian Legion presented a cheque for $6,250 to Canada Company from its 2013 Poppy Fund at a Canada…

  • RMR Museum Acquires “Original History” of the Regiment

    The museum has recently received an astonishing new addition: the original history of the Regiment, which was written by the Adjutant (Major Plow) while the RMR was still serving “Somewhere in France”…

  • Former RMR now the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the Brockville Rifles

    BROCKVILLE – 13 February 2014:   In a dignified ceremony held in the beautiful Brockville armoury on a snowy evening in February, LCol (ret’d) Richard Garber was installed as the Rifles’ new…

  • RMR Association Member Receives Army Commander’s Commendation

    Quebec City, 08 February 2014:  One of the members of the RMR Association (Branch 14) the Royal Canadian Legion, Comrade Steve Gregory, was formally awarded the Army Commanders Commendation by LGen Hainse…

  • Death of C.B. Price’s Daughter

    Major-General C.B. Price’s daughter, Helen (Pooh) Perodeau passed away on 15 January 2014.  Her father was the RMR’s first Sergeant-Major, served in the RMR for the entire first World War (earning the…

  • “Unknown Captain” Steacie Headstone now in RMR museum

    Westmount, 17 December 2013: The museum has managed to arrange for the original headstone of the first RMR officer killed in action to be donated to the RMR museum.  This initiative was…